Compression fracture crush fracture 中文 compression fractures 中文 compression frame for trichinosis examination 中文 compression gage 中文 compression gastrocnemius muscle test 中文 compression glaze 中文 compression granulatin 中文 compression granulation 中文. It may be due to trauma or due to a weakening of the vertebra.
6 Symptoms Of A Compression Fracture Compression Fracture Causes
How Can I Treat A T12 Or L1 Thoracic Spinal Burst Fracture
Compression Fracture Treatment Braceability
英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱 ICD-9-CM 1992年版 ICD-9-CM 2001年版.

Compression fracture 中文. This weakening is seen in patients with osteoporosis or osteogenesis imperfecta lytic lesions from metastatic or primary tumors or infection. Compression fracture 壓迫性骨折 7331 73310. Fracture of thoracic 胸椎閉鎖性骨折 8052 8052.
If several back bones fracture the back may become rounded and bent. ObjectiveTo study the characteristics of trauma and epidemiologic trend in vertebral compression fractures and provide reference for. A compression fracture is a collapse of a vertebra.
Fracture of cervical 頸椎閉鎖性骨折 80500 80500. Coccyx Cx 或Co尾椎骨由34 節連成一片. However the bending force applied does not break the bone completely and.
Compression Fractures of the Spine. Greenstick fractures occur when the force applied to a bone results in bending of the bone such that the structural integrity of the convex surface is overcome. 1破裂折断断裂 2裂痕裂缝裂面 3医学挫伤骨折 4矿物断口地质学地理学断层 a comminuted fracture 粉碎骨折 a compound fracture 复合骨折.
A 縮寫 英文診斷 中文診斷 ACL rupture ruptureanterior cruciate ligament rupture 前十字靭帶破裂 AW Abrasion wound 擦傷 AVN Acetabular vascular necrosis 缺血性股骨頸壞死 Acetabular Dysplasia 髖臼發育不良 Acetabular Fracture 髖臼骨折 Achilles Tendon Rupture 跟腱斷裂 Acromio-Clavical Joint Dislocation 肩峰鎖骨關節脫位 Aneurysmal Bone Cyst 動脈瘤骨囊腫 Ankle Fracture 腳踝骨折 Ankle. Seen in lateral views in plain. In healthy patients it is most often seen in individuals suffering extreme vertical shocks such as ejecting from an ejection seat.
In compression中文翻译 受压 fracture中文翻译 vtvi. In compression fractures the drum-shaped part body of a back bone vertebra collapses into itself and becomes squashed compressed into a wedge shape. The upper arm bone humerus the shoulder blade scapula and.
A compression fracture of the spine vertebral compression fracture 圧迫 し pressing squeezed weigh press. Compression fracture中文壓裂壓縮破裂壓縮骨折受壓骨折壓縮性骨折壓縮斷裂點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋compression fracture的中文翻譯compression fracture的發音音標用法和例句等. Vertebral compression fracture and curvature of the spine a b 6 Osteoporosis and fractures 93 6 Osteoporosis and fractures Arthritis an d osteo porosis in Australia 20 08 Shoulder The shoulder consists of three bones.
縮菈 英文診斷 中文診斷 ACL rupture 前十字靭帶破裂ruptureanterior cruciate ligament rupture AW 擦傷Abrasion wound AVN Acetabular vascular necrosis 缺血性股骨頸壞死 髖臼發育不良Acetabular Dysplasia Acetabular Fracture 髖臼骨折 Achilles Tendon Rupture 跟腱斷裂. The fact that the integrity of the cortex has been overcome results in fracture of the convex surface. Fracture of lumbar 腰椎閉鎖.
Compressed gas compressibility compressible compressing compressingrubber compression compression fracture compressional compression-side compressive 译 历史记录. KW - Compression fracture. The research on vertebroplasty for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures under CT.
更年期 後的女性常有骨質疏鬆症的狀況不過老年 男性 或長期使用如 普賴鬆 Prednisone 等固醇類藥物的患者也可能骨質疏鬆. Fracture of skull 顱骨骨折 80300 80300. 骨質疏鬆症 骨質疏鬆症 Osteoporosis 意指骨密度變低的疾病會增加病患因為輕度甚至沒有外力介入的情況下就發生脊椎壓迫性骨折的機會.
The spine consists of 24 back bones plus the tailbone sacrum.
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